About Us
Our vision in Stay and Play Club is to provide an exciting, unique and creative afterschool experience for children and their parents. We want to be considered the bench mark for innovation and quality.
Our mission is to provide a stimulating and varied afterschool program. We will introduce the club members to a wide and interesting range of activities and events. We will support parents by providing a relaxed and flexible service where their children are cared for, engaged and most of all happy.
We will provide an opportunity to our leaders to pass on their sports, music and creative skills to the next generation.
Why Choose Stay and Play Club
We feel that after schoolers are a very special group that deserve a program specially designed for them. To this end we choose our afterschool leaders for their skills in the area of sports and the arts. All our leaders are garda vetted and understand child protection issues. Our morning Montessori teachers supervise the homework. We offer a very unusual service and would recommend that you call in any time to visit us and see us in action. We understand the pressures that families face and will consider all requests to support our parents and children. Our ethos is to provide a safe, creative, sporty and fun program for the children and a supportive, stable and flexible approach to the parents. In order to create this environment we ask that you as parents support our ideals and staff. We are building a brand new type of afterschool care and we are open to all ideas.
We pride ourselves on providing a very interesting and varied program that includes dance, sports shows, arts and crafts, chess, lego and board games. We are innovative, friendly and most of all FUN.
In order to give the children the best possible experience we operate two centres
Iona Crescent: for junior and senior infants
ABCD building: older children
To facilitate parents we can arrange for siblings to be in the same premises. The club runs weekly during school terms and daily during holiday periods.
Why choose Stay and Play?
Your child will love it
Your child will have access to a genuinely varied and exciting range of activities. These change depending on the interests and skills of the leaders
We have access to a large fully equipped dance studio, garden and childrens village
Our holiday camps are deigned to give children as much free range opportunities as possible
Our ethos encourages the children to be proud of their club membership and to be supportive of each other. We expect good manners at all times and our older members act as junior leaders.
Stay and Play club won the Eircom digital boost competition. Our collection app was designed for us by Eircom so we have excellent technical support. This app allows parents easily contact the club, receive notifications that their child has been collected, receive up to date photos and information and to vary their childs attendance days.
Our morning preschool service won the Early Childhood Ireland award for innovation.
We truly value your support. We do not want to be seen as a service to be used but rather a friend of your family.
Contact Nessa 085 1449610